About 60 people met to discuss forming a new church in Fort Worth.
We held our first service at the Texas Girls’ Choir building.
God opened the door for us to move into the former Birchman Avenue Baptist Church building.
First Sunday in our new sanctuary on Birchman Avenue.
First multisite campus launched at the Aledo Ninth Grade Campus.
First Sunday in our new West Campus building.
Cody McQueen was commissioned as the new Lead Pastor following Ted Kitchens’ 38 years of leadership.
First official South Campus service held at Centennial High School.
First Sunday in our new college building.
Provided online broadcasting as we navigated the unexpected.
First Sunday in our new South Campus building.
With our vision to BE disciples, to MAKE disciples and to REACH those who do not yet follow Jesus, Christ Chapel asks its members to gather around and commit to these seven essential Christian convictions:
Monday morning-relevant biblical teaching.
Continuous spiritual growth of every believer.
Living life in a small group community.
Permission-giving mentality as it relates to disciples of Jesus using their spiritual gifts.
Grace in our relationships.
Debt-free so we can follow God as he leads.
Excellence in all we do — because everything we do is for God.
Unanimous leadership decisions.
Elder-led and staff-run, we’re committed to making much of Jesus.
Admit that you’re a sinner, separated from a holy and perfect God.
(Romans 3:23; Isaiah 53:6)
Understand that the penalty for your sin is death – eternal separation from God and all that is good.
(Romans 6:23; Hebrews 9:27)
Believe that Jesus Christ took the penalty for your sin by dying in your place and conquered death by rising from the dead.
(Romans 5:8; 2 Corinthians 5:21)
Receive the free gift of salvation by trusting in Christ alone as your Savior from sin and death and your provider of true and eternal life.
(Romans 4:4-5, 5:1; Ephesians 2:8-9)