Safe and easy way to give.
There are designated boxes at each venue for easy access.
Mail gifts to:
Christ Chapel Bible Church
3701 Birchman Ave.
Fort Worth, TX 76107
If you would like to donate with stock or other assets, please contact our Finance Office.
Text “GIVE” to 24253
Decisions about funds allocation rest with the Board of Elders, who seek God’s direction in how to steward our resources.
Thank you for your generosity in giving to Kingdom causes throughout 2024. You have been a part of a huge impact, both locally and globally, for the gospel. You can now access your 2024 giving statement after logging into your Christ Chapel account.
We’re continuing to make room for those in need through specific initiatives that will have local and global effects for the gospel.
Your gift to the South Campus Expansion Project as a part of end-of-year giving will not only help provide space to kids and students, it will offer their parents room to worship as well!
It takes a strong call from God for families to make their home around the world to share the gospel. Your gift allows Christ Chapel to provide housing to our global ministry partners on furlough and to Christ Chapel residents who may receive the same call.
Vida Nueva Church continues to transform neighborhoods and cities in San Salvador and beyond. Your end-of-year gift will help fund their new church location and our ongoing partnership in the gospel being proclaimed in Central America and around the world.
We’re honored and humbled to be a part of what God has done and continues to do throughout our church. At the South Campus we have the opportunity to expectantly step into what he has ahead by creating more space for kids and students to gather around the gospel. We cannot wait to see what God has in store as we partner for his glory.
Years ago, we began a college ministry with the prayer that it would be used by God to change lives. God did more with that small ministry than we could have imagined and now over 60% of graduating seniors in that ministry have come to know Jesus because of what happens there. Located in the Common Grounds coffee shop, students are being taught the gospel on Sunday mornings, experiencing Christian community weekly and being trained to go and reach out to other students.
When you give to the College Ministry you are giving to our general fund that supports this ministry and others at Christ Chapel. Thank you for your faithfulness to the gospel and the outreach that comes with it.
God has a heart for the world. He sent his Son to save us, and as his people we have the privilege to partner with him in reaching out to those who desperately need to know about his love and forgiveness. Giving is a way we can reach out all over the world. Learn more about where we give and even choose where to direct your personal gift.
God has a heart for the world. He sent his Son to save us, and as his people we have the privilege to partner with him in reaching out to those who desperately need to know about his love and forgiveness. Giving is a way we can reach out all over the world. Learn more about where we give and even choose where to direct your personal gift.
To change your payment method for a recurring gift, go here and select your appropriate campus. From there you should see “Your Account” in the top-right corner. Select “Manage my Account.” Once you login you will see the home page of PushPay. Along the right side you should see an option that lists “Payment Methods.” Once you select “Payment Methods” you can add another method. Once that is added, you will go back to the home screen and select to “Edit” your recurring gift. You will be able to update the payment method in association with the recurring gift.
For questions, you can contact our Finance Team.
To cancel a recurring gift, go here and select your appropriate campus. From there you should see “Your Account” in the top-right corner. Select “Manage my Account.” Once you login, you should see your recurring gift on the home page. Select to “Edit” the recurring gift. From there you can either pause or cancel the gift.